64 bit Ubuntu

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at pardus.de
Wed Apr 30 13:26:51 CEST 2008

Troy Carpenter <troy at carpenter.cx> writes:

> On Tuesday 29 April 2008 01:37:20 pm Paul Douglas Franklin wrote:
>> Last year when I first installed Kolab, it would not install on the
>> 64-bit server edition of Ubuntu.  I'm about to do another install, and
>> I'm pondering whether to use 64-bit or standard version.  Does anyone
>> know whether the issue with 64-bit has been resolved?
>> --Paul
> I use the openpkg install of Kolab 2.2RC2 from source on Ubuntu 64bit Gutsy 
> Server edition.  The only problem I have is that I often get PHP segmentation 
> faults when someone tries to view a message on the web via Horde.  No PHP 
> problems otherwise and no operational issues whatsoever.

Which is the reason why I'd refrain from using Kolab on 64-bit at the
moment :)

If there are still 64-bit bugs present (and it definitely looks like
there are) then these tend to be somewhat obscure and might hit you
once you are fully in production.

And the advantage over good old 32bit is probably not worth it ;)



> Troy
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