cyrus imap sync
Alain Spineux
aspineux at
Mon Apr 21 19:18:59 CEST 2008
On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 3:05 PM, Gabriele Di Giambelardini
<gabriele_d_g at> wrote:
> Hi to all, I have a problem for sync my master kolab server and the slave.
> I'd like to use the sync cyrus commands, but seems kolab not include it.
> Some body know if is it possible? and the way?
What you want to do is unclear!
The master slave kolab's architecture is not a cluster nor a redundant solution.
The goal is just be scalable by distributing mailboxes around multiple
kolab servers and
keep all the management simple.
If you want a redundancy solution, cyrus provide a real time
replication system (but this is a full time work to configure and maintain it).
More simple, imapsync is a perl script able to synchronize mailboxes (or
a full imap tree) that you must run a regular time. A lot more CPU hungry that
the first one but a lot less headache.
Despite both can be used in a kolab environment, none
of them are supported by kolab.
> thanks
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