Horde Login Failed

David Correia baal-uix at wanadoo.fr
Mon Apr 7 11:45:01 CEST 2008

I've the same problem with this version. I use a "full" domain name
And no solution.

manche 06 avril 2008 à 19:36 +0200, Saim Kim a écrit :
> Hello,
> after finally getting an error free install of the Kolab 2.2 rc 2 on  a 
> Debian Etch server, I'm trying to get Horde to work.
> The bootstrapping procedure runs error free but I can't access any of 
> the Horde php websites (/horde/login, horde/config.php, /fbview).
> The /horde/login give me an error that the user name or password is 
> wrong. I tried it with different address but it won't work
> The same happens on the /fbview/login.php screen.
> The server will be only used internally the toplevel domain is set to 
> ".intern" instead of ".com" Can that be a problem?
> Thanks for your help!
> Saim

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