New to kolab

kitts kitts.mailinglists at
Sun Sep 30 10:48:46 CEST 2007

Hello friends,

I am new to kolab and to this list. I am currently experimenting with kolab on 
a test server before using it on a production server. I am using it to serve 
about 20 users and it is hosted on a server that performs other functions 
such as internet sharing, proxy, intranet webserver, dhcp etc.

I know the preferred install process is to use openPKG. The server i have run 
kubuntu server (without GUI) and i would much prefer to use the native 
binaries available from the repos.

Now i have installed kolabd and kolab-webadmin. On restart, i can see that 
imap, pop etc ports are open on server. i checked this running nmap on a 
client and the ports showed up only after installing kolab.

Now i am unable to configure kolab. I installed kolab-webadmin but still 
https://serverip/admin returns nothing file not found on the client's 
browser. Apache2 is working as removing /admin shows me the default pages of 

Any hints how to get started?

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