kolab on debian etch - amd 64

Mark Berndt marko at mechtron.com.au
Wed Oct 31 12:14:52 CET 2007

Hello, for the last couple of weeks I have been trying to install kolab
on debian etch amd64.

I've tried the debian packages, the kolab 2.1 openpkg installer from the
kolab website and the kolab package from the openpkg repository.

I've had the kolab 2.1 openpkg distribution working on debian etch 32
bit on amd64, but that's the only one I can get working.

Nothing seems to work on etch amd64, and that seems to be the general
message I get from googling the groups, apart from a guy called Franz
having rebuilt the packages from scratch for amd64/debian,

Can someone please advise the status of kolab on debian etch amd64? 



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