Kolab modifying main.cf?

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at pardus.de
Tue Oct 23 13:11:17 CEST 2007

"Volker Stoppe" <Grenzlaeufer at gmx.net> writes:

> Hallo there,
> I have got Kolab 3.1.4-55 (from SuSE 10.2 rpms) running under SuSE 10.3. I  
> noticed strange affects when i add new users to the system. I think this  
> is the point, when my postfix main.cf is changed to an older state. This  
> wipes out my changes in the main.cf which I need to run postfix correctly.
> This is the first time i try SuSE since a long time. Years ago I heard  
> that yast whatches over the config files and sets them back, if someone  
> tries to modify them. Is it possible to turn this beviour off?

Not if you want to use Kolab. 





> Gretinx
> Volker
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