converting TNEF attachments?

Jason Komar jkomar at
Fri Oct 12 16:43:45 CEST 2007

On October 12, 2007 07:41:10 am Gunnar Wrobel wrote:

> The current postfix configuration already uses this reinjection scheme
> several times. So I believe there is no need for you to add another
> such reinjection loop but rather hook your tnef script into an already
> existing loop.
> My suggestion would be to try to do that with the
> "kolabmailboxfilter". This script is responsible for delivering to the
> users mailboxes. You should be able to wrap this script with a small
> wrapper that pipes the input into your tnef script prior to piping it
> into the kolabmailboxfilter scipt. You need to ensure that
> kolabmailboxfilter receives all the arguments it need though.
> I did not test this and it is just a rough idea. But maybe it works.
> Cheers,
> Gunnar


If you are able to get this working, maybe you could share the script/solution 
that worked for you back to the mailing list. This is something I would be 
interested in implementing on the kolab servers I manage since TNEF 
attachments from Outlook are a real pain for Kontact users.

Jason Komar
806706 Alberta Ltd.
O/A Stormfront Ventures
Email: jkomar at

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