Compiling proko2 client without kpilot?

ITSEF Admin itsef-admin at
Thu Nov 15 14:36:58 CET 2007

On Sunday 11 November 2007 01:38, Stephan Schnitzer wrote:
> I got the same problem as you and just succeeded on Kubuntu 7.10 (AMD64).
> configure seems to check for some libs, try
> apt-get remove libpisock-dev pilot* gnokii*
> ./configure && make

Thanks! However, I have a working solution that does not require me to remove 

1) Run configure like this:
   env DO_NOT_COMPILE=kpilot ./configure

2) After configure has finished:
   edit kontact/plugins/Makefile and find KPILOT_KONTACTPLUGIN. Under that 
   line, there's a "SUBDIRS" line. Remove the KPILOT_KONTACTPLUGIN part from 
   that line.

3) make

Now the only thing I have to find out is whether I can install the 
thus-compiled proko2 client alongside with the kpilot version that is 
included with Kubuntu 7.10...


           Thomas Ribbrock             |   brightsight             
           itsef-admin at |   Delftechpark 1
           +31-15-2692529              |   NL-2628XJ Delft  	

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