End user false positive spamassassin administration using webmail?

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at pardus.de
Tue Nov 13 15:21:48 CET 2007

Simon Barrett <simon.barrett at jinny.ie> writes:

> Hi,
> We currently have a Kolab server (2.0.4) implemented in a mixed host 
> environment (windows xp, linux and macs using pop3 and imap on various 
> different mail clients).  I'm looking into spamassassin options at the 
> moment.  I understand that the problem below is not kolab specific, but I 
> think it's likely that other Kolab users have had a similar experience.  I'm 
> sorry if it is a little long-winded, but I want to cover everything I have 
> considered so far.
> Our webmail server is on another box and subnet to our main mail server.  It 
> is basically a web-based imap client.  Most of our users download their mail 
> via pop3, leaving a month's worth of email on the server so they can access 
> it via webmail while off site.  There is a long history of pop3 use, and 
> migrating all the outlook users (approx 90 users in total) to imap would be a 
> long and laborious process.
> I hope to use the webmail imap client as a user spam administration page.  The 
> plan is that I would set up a folder for each individual eg 'myspam' and 
> divert the messages into it that kolab's implementation of spamassassin flags 
> as spam.  For the forseeable future, users could log onto webmail and move 
> any false positives back into their inbox for download.
> The difficulty with this is that spamassasin has not learned that these 
> messages are not spam.  
> The way I see it I have the following options:
> Don't teach spamassassin about false positives.
> Rely on me running sa-learn --ham on just my false positives (this asssumes I 
> get the same kind of email as the sales department, for example, which I 
> don't).
> Have spamassassin run sa-learn --ham on users' inboxes at some stage during 
> the day, in the hope that there are no false negatives and that the user has 
> checked their spam situation via webmail.
> Add a button to the webmail interface that says 'is_not_spam' and:
> 1) Find some way of calling spamassassin remotely from the webmail server for 
> specific messages on the mail server (I'm not going to do this - too many 
> security concerns).
> 2) Run a copy of spamassassin on the webmail machine, and find a way to update 
> the 'master' spamassassin database from the webmail server.  
> This is awkward, because the webmail solution loads emails into a mysql 
> database when users log in and caches them there, so I'd be running against 
> the modified entries in a DB, or I'm back to number 1.
> 3) Have an imap folder called 'notspam' that the 'is_not_spam' button moves 
> messages into.  This could be polled every 5 minutes and any messages found 
> would be passed to sa-learn.  
> The difficulty here is that users want their email right away.  I guarantee 
> you that if someone is waiting on a message that was incorrectly moved to the 
> spam folder, by the time they realise it has been diverted they will not be 
> prepared to wait 5 minutes.  Also, I haven't found a straightforward way of 
> automatically moving those messages from the 'notspam' folder back into the 
> inbox for pop3 download.  This would have to be moved via imap or the cyrus.* 
> index files would be inconsistent until I could run a cyrreconstruct.
> Manually moving it from the 'notspam' folder into the inbox folder will 
> basically make this whole function useless.  People will just move the files 
> back into the inbox and bypass the 'is_not_spam' option altogether.

I'm always using a global shared "spam" and a global shared "ham"
folder that get checked by sa-learn once a day and cleaned up
afterwards. People move their spam in to the "spam" folder and copy
stuff into the "ham" folder if it was incorrectly identified. Both
global folders get emptied after sa-learn analysis.



> I'm sure lots of other people are in this situation.  I'd welcome any 
> thoughts.  

> I will also set up a shared 'ourspam' folder that I can moderate as per the 
> wiki suggestions, specifically for sa-learn --spam.
> Regards,
> Simon
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