kolab-cyrus-imap mutt mailbox doesn't exist

Damien Ulrich damien.ulrich at domosys.org
Tue May 15 16:33:03 CEST 2007

Hi all,
I've got a postfix / ldap / kolab / cyrus-imap installation wich works fine 
with Kontact (kmail / kaddressbook / kalendar /...)

But when I want to access it with mutt, I obtain :
"Mailbox does not exist" 
in my .muttrc :
set spoolfile='imaps://imap.domosys.org/INBOX'
set folder='imaps://imap.domosys.org/INBOX'
set imap_login="user"
set imap_pass="passwd"

(with verbose activated for cyrus)
no more error messages in the logs
just : "User logged in"

By curiosity, I tryed accessing it with konqueror with :
-been asked for login/passwd-
then I can see "INBOX" is a file :
Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="IMAPDIGEST"

I don't know what could be the problem nor what to do :P

Any idea ?


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