annoying Kolab things

Marco marco at
Tue Mar 20 16:52:02 CET 2007

Well.... It's the umpteen time I try to deal with Groupware on Linux. The 
Experience goes from "Ok, give it a try..." to "Oh my god....".
It's the 3th time I give Kolab it's try and it's the 3th time I'm getting 
annoyed and going to give up!

But before I do this I want to let you know what I think:

- Mailinglist
	As I think, today Mailinglists are obsolete because of these reasons:
	1. 	Today the biggest part of all email traffic is spam. Therefor many ISP's
		have installed own Spamfilters. Because of this you can't tell if a mail
		sent to a mailing list will arrive to every member.

	2.	Mailinglists are bad references. I know it is possible to brows the
		Mailinglist archive on your page, but hey..... Month by month by hand ?!!!
		This means Users have to ask the same question again and again 'cause
		nobody wants to search in the archives.

	3.	Mail programs are adding characters to the beginning of every line
		when you reply to an email. This makes it impossible to read a whole 
		conversation thread	if it there where many participators.

	In my opinion a web forum would be a much bether solution.

- Documentation
	I think it would be much easier to setup and work with Kolab if there would
	be one document which explains everything. From the Basic setup of the Server
	and the Clients 'til the "special features" like group folders and stuff....

	At this point let me highlight that (at least in my experience) there is a
	mistake in the Documentation. The Outlook 2003 Document says I should 
	create a new POP3 account. As I see, this is wrong. Since if I do so I can't
	select this account in the Toltec connector....

	Another point is the order. The Outlook 2003 Document First explains the
	creation of the new email account and then things like Free/Busy, Delegation
	working in groups and so on.... The Configuration of the Toltec connector is
	explained at the end of the section....

	I would really like to participate and write a better Documentation but to do
	this, I need to look through the whole stuff. And at the moment I'm giving up
	the 3th time to configuring Kolab.

I'm fearing the day on which I have to Migrate my server hardware and therefor 
caring the data from the old server to the new one...... Nightmare

			Thanks for your hearing

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