kolab with ldaps (port 636) ?

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at pardus.de
Tue Mar 13 07:56:50 CET 2007

JOYDEEP <j.bakshi at unlimitedmail.org> writes:

> Dear list,
> Can Kolab use port 636 (ldaps) with TLS enabled ? 
> OR    ldap (port 389) with TLS enabled ?

it should by default listen on both ports:

root# grep openldap_url /kolab/etc/rc.conf
openldap_url="ldap:// ldaps://"

And netstat shows the open port:

netstat -lnp | grep 636
tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN      22102/slapd       

So your probably configured something in your client in an incorrect


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