problem with saslauthd and saslauthd.conf

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at
Wed Jun 27 16:07:34 CEST 2007

JOYDEEP <j.bakshi at> writes:

> Gunnar Wrobel wrote:
>> JOYDEEP <j.bakshi at> writes:
>>> Dear list,
>>> I like to secure saslauthd.conf  communication through ldpas. whar are
>>> the parameters which I require to activate
>>> the SSL in saslauthd.conf ?
>> You should be able to hardcode the ldap URI in the
>> /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/saslauthd.conf.template template:
>> ldap_servers: @@@user_ldap_uri@@@
>> and set it to 
>> ldap_servers: ldaps://
> Thanks Gunnar,
> but what are the parameters to declare SSL/TLS certificate & keys ?

Hm, I admit I do not fully understand the question. The Kolab SASL
process just binds to the server. It usually does not need any SSL/TLS
settings. At least not when querying the LDAP server for users.

But maybe I just misunderstand what you try to configure. 

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