Kolab setup for production

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at pardus.de
Thu Jun 21 00:28:27 CEST 2007

Balazs Bezeczky <e9825128 at student.tuwien.ac.at> writes:

> hi @all,
> I'd like to ask those of you, who already have kolab in production: is 
> there anything to take care of after installing kolab (setting up 
> firewall- and ssh-rules, etc.) and before going "live" with the new 
> system? Are there any security considerations or suggestions that one 
> should follow?
> Thanks in advance!

This is a complex question that really depends on the environment you
use Kolab for. For small sized system I'd consider the security of the
server good enough. Some parts can be modified over the webadmin
frontend. You should turn off IMAP services that you do not need for

If you have systems with several hundred users you should probably
take care to secure the server to a higher degree. You could for
example split the services of the server like a dedicated LDAP server
or a seperate spam box. 



____ http://www.pardus.de _________________ http://gunnarwrobel.de _

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p at rdus Kolab work is funded in part by KDAB and the Kolab Konsortium

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