spamassassin question

Paul Douglas Franklin pdf at
Mon Jun 18 22:16:53 CEST 2007

Balazs asks a good question; I'll be very interested in the answer for 
my system as well.
Also, what about spamassassin?  On my home system, it appears to be 
filtering out my mailing.  I even turned off Amavis e-mail 
scanning on the services page and still am not getting this innocuous 
mailing.  Before I roll this out in our business environment, I really 
need to understand how to make sure the right stuff is getting thru.

Balazs Bezeczky wrote:
> hi @all,
> I'd like to ask those of you, who already have kolab in production: is 
> there anything to take care of after installing kolab (setting up 
> firewall- and ssh-rules, etc.) and before going "live" with the new 
> system? Are there any security considerations or suggestions that one 
> should follow?
> Thanks in advance!
> cheers,
> Balazs
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Paul Douglas Franklin
Computer Manager, Union Gospel Mission of Yakima, Washington
Husband of Danette
Father of 12

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