Problem with permission user backuppc and user www-data

David Correia baal-uix at
Tue Jun 12 16:24:01 CEST 2007

I'm running Backuppc on Ubuntu Dapper. All was running very good but
some day, my backups stops. Quite all the files created in the server
for the backup are now onwned by the user www-data instead of backuppc,
i can find some errors like this in the logs

2007-06-12 01:02:50  trashClean : Can't read /var/lib/backuppc/trash/1181412005_7016_0/f%2fetc/fnetwork/fif-post-down.d: Permission denied
2007-06-12 01:02:50  trashClean : Can't read /var/lib/backuppc/trash/1181412005_7016_0/f%2fetc/fnetwork/fif-pre-up.d: Permission denied
2007-06-12 01:02:50  trashClean : Can't read /var/lib/backuppc/trash/1181412005_7016_0/f%2fetc/fnetwork/fif-down.d: Permission denied
2007-06-12 01:02:50  trashClean : Can't read /var/lib/backuppc/trash/1181412005_7016_0/f%2fetc/fapt/fapt.conf.d: Permission denied
2007-06-12 01:02:50  trashClean : Can't read /var/lib/backuppc/trash/1181412005_7016_0/f%2fetc/fapt/fsources.list.d: Permission denied
2007-06-12 01:02:50  trashClean : Can't read /var/lib/backuppc/trash/1181412005_7016_0/f%2fetc/fdpkg/forigins: Permission denied
2007-06-12 01:02:50  trashClean : Can't read /var/lib/backuppc/trash/1181412005_7016_0/f%2fetc/fudev/frules.d: Permission denied
2007-06-12 01:02:50  trashClean : Can't read /var/lib/backuppc/trash/1181412005_7016_0/f%2fetc/fapm/fscripts.d: Permission denied
2007-06-12 01:02:50  trashClean : Can't read /var/lib/backuppc/trash/1181412005_7016_0/f%2fetc/fapm/fresume.d: Permission denied
2007-06-12 01:02:50  trashClean : Can't read /var/lib/backuppc/trash/1181412005_7016_0/f%2fetc/fapm/fsuspend.d: Permission denied
2007-06-12 01:02:50  trashClean : Can't read /var/lib/backuppc/trash/1181412005_7016_0/f%2fetc/fapm/fevent.d: Permission denied
2007-06-12 01:02:50  trashClean : Can't read /var/lib/backuppc/trash/1181412005_7016_0/f%2fetc/fapm/fother.d: Permission denied
2007-06-12 01:02:50  trashClean : Can't read /var/lib/backuppc/trash/1181412005_7016_0/f%2fetc/fmodprobe.d/farch: Permission denied
2007-06-12 01:02:50  trashClean : Can't read /var/lib/backuppc/trash/1181412005_7016_0/f%2fetc/fdhcp3/fdhclient-enter-hooks.d: Permission denied
2007-06-12 01:02:50  trashClean : Can't read /var/lib/backuppc/trash/1181412005_7016_0/f%2fetc/fdhcp3/fdhclient-exit-hooks.d: Permission denied
2007-06-12 16:18:01  trashClean : Can't read /var/lib/backuppc/trash/1181624018_19539_0/fkolab: Permission denied
2007-06-12 16:18:01 BackupPC_trashClean failed to empty /var/lib/backuppc/trash

root at shognu:/var/lib/backuppc/trash/1181412005_7016_0/f%2fetc/fgdm# ls
total 28
drwxr-x---  7 backuppc backuppc 4096 2007-06-09 20:02 .
drwxr-x--- 51 backuppc backuppc 4096 2007-06-09 20:02 ..
drwxr-x---  2 www-data www-data 4096 2007-05-27 20:00 fInit
drwxr-x---  2 www-data www-data 4096 2007-05-27 20:00 fmodules
drwxr-x---  2 www-data www-data 4096 2007-05-27 20:00 fPostLogin
drwxr-x---  2 www-data www-data 4096 2007-05-27 20:00 fPostSession
drwxr-x---  2 www-data www-data 4096 2007-05-27 20:00 fPreSession

I've passed a lot of time removing files by hand, without knowing what i
can really remove or not. But the problem come back evry time.
I've asked google and mail archive, some have the same problem, but no
solution were found. 
Please help me.

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