services link not showing up - problem solved, another one showed up!

Alain Spineux aspineux at
Tue Jun 12 12:57:38 CEST 2007

On 6/11/07, J.C. França <digital at> wrote:
> <snip>
> > > > 1 - upgrading from 2.04 to 2.1
> > > > 2 - after upgrade manager shows up as mantainer (not sure if it
> should
> > > > be something else)
> > >
> > > > 4 - checked LDAP db but couldn't find any reason.
> > >
> The group "admin" was missing in the LDAP tree. Instead, there was an
> "admin"
> user. Fixed that and it worked.
> Now there are 2 more questions:
> 1 - is the name mail=kolab at xxx correct for a distribution list? why is
> that?

The RFC's are _very_ permissive about user part into email address, I thing
you can even use space or @ inside like in
"a sp at ced address" :-)

But  MUA, MTA, Filter agent, policy agent and storage system include some
restrictions. Yours and them of your contacts !
Then to avoid any problem limit the character to usual one. I will never use
characters other than: alpha-numeric, . (dot), - (minus), _ (underscore).

"=" is not dangerous for me, but I would never use it :-)

2 - email with "From" different from the kolab domain is returning:
> ------------------------------
> <xx at xx>: service unavailable. Command output: Invalid From:
>   header. "my name" <sender at different_domain> looks like a forged sender
> ------------------------------
> I'm totally lost on this one due to my ignorance on mail issues.

Yes this is an _original_ kolab feature ! (I dont like it and thing we
should be able to disable it).
When you authenticate with your SMTP (and you have no choice when you are
outside of your local network),
kolab compare your credential and the FROM of any email you send.

Any hints?
> TIA,
> JK
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Alain Spineux
aspineux gmail com
May the sources be with you
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