install failed

Paul Douglas Franklin pdf at
Fri Jun 8 04:14:13 CEST 2007

I have discovered the following:
1)  Ubuntu 7.04 64-bit version does not want to install Kolab, but the 
I386 version will.
2)  LAMP and Kolab do not co-exist well on that Ubuntu server for 
someone like me who has little knowledge.  They might for someone who 
really knows what he's doing.
3)  apt-get remove apache2 did not remove apache2 even though it said it 
I'm now re-installing Ubuntu (finished that, actually) and Kolab (it's 
working merrily away).  I expect this to go just fine from here on out.

Paul Douglas Franklin
Computer Manager, Union Gospel Mission of Yakima, Washington
Husband of Danette
Father of 12

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