kolab server 2.1 install on Ubuntu 7.04

Divan Santana divan.santana at gmail.com
Mon Jul 30 00:02:09 CEST 2007

I have easily installed kolab 2.1 on 7.04.
If you do a netstat -tnl|grep 80 or 443 is it listening?
Are you sure it installed correctly?

There are a few things u need to change before installed openpkg kolab on 
ubuntu. Its listed on the wiki.

On Sunday 29 July 2007 18:42:47 Eric Horton wrote:
> I am hoping someone out there can help me.  I have been trying for two days
> to get a working kolab install on Ubuntu 7.04. 
> The directions are fine up until I have to access the admin web interface. 
> I am getting unable to connect in the browser interface. 
> /kolab/bin/openpkg rc all start was successful.
> When executing from the browser on the server, I
> get an unable to connect. 
> Has any one seen this error before or have any suggestions?

Divan Santana

Skype:                  DivanSantana
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