FreeBusy Problems

Torsten Krah tkrah at
Sat Jul 28 18:09:25 CEST 2007


I want to use freebusy with kolab. Did a standard install.
Fllowed the wiki troubleshooting article - but first point fails already and 
theres no log file:

Apache Error Log tells:

[Sat Jul 28 10:39:52 2007] [warn] [client] [25479] auth_ldap 
authenticate: user krah authentication failed; URI /freebusy/krah.ifb 
[ldap_search_ext_s() for user failed][Invalid DN syntax]
[Sat Jul 28 10:41:52 2007] [warn] [client] [25480] auth_ldap 
authenticate: user krah authentication failed; 
URI /freebusy/trigger/krah/Kalender.pfb [ldap_search_ext_s() for user failed]
[Invalid DN syntax]

The user uid is "krah" and the mail address "krah at testdomain".

If i point the browser to the url internal server error is happening with that 
messages above in the log.

Any hints whats wrong?

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