SMTP from outside

Richard Bos ml at
Fri Jul 27 20:43:58 CEST 2007

Op Friday 27 July 2007 01:00:30 schreef Alain Spineux:
> On 7/26/07, Paul Franklin <pdf at> wrote:
> > We have a few employees who must send e-mail from off site on occasion.
> > In one case, I can probably just add a privileged network, but in others
> > the computer is portable and may be at a hotel whose IP address I don't
> > know.  I would like to know how to set up for those computers to send
> > messages from off site.  Is it possible to require authentication, and
> > if so, how?
> You dont need to change anything in Kolab configuration.
> You have enable TLS or SSL in the configuration of the SMTP of
> your mail user agent and use the user login/password of the user.

What about?  Do you happen that ldaps works in combination with kontact 
(kaddressbook)?  When I used kolabwizard last time, it configured ldap for 
the addressbook AFAIR and not ldaps.

Richard Bos
Without a home the journey is endless

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