mail delivery

kolab at kolab at
Tue Feb 13 13:26:05 CET 2007


I've tried to deliver a testmail on my Kolab Server with "telnet localhost 
25". The Server accepted my email but it stays in the queue.
These are the log messages from /var/log/mail:

Feb 13 13:10:53 foeni postfix/smtpd[4473]: connect from localhost[]
Feb 13 13:12:04 foeni postfix/smtpd[4473]: 93169780B7: 
Feb 13 13:12:12 foeni postfix/cleanup[4475]: 93169780B7: 
message-id=<20070213121204.93169780B7 at foeni.tux-racers.locl>
Feb 13 13:12:12 foeni postfix/qmgr[3347]: 93169780B7: 
from=<rjenny at tux-racers.locl>, size=415, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Feb 13 13:12:12 foeni postfix/pipe[4476]: fatal: unknown flag: n (ignored)
Feb 13 13:12:13 foeni postfix/qmgr[3347]: warning: premature end-of-input on 
private/kolabfilter socket while reading input attribute name
Feb 13 13:12:13 foeni postfix/qmgr[3347]: warning: private/kolabfilter socket: 
malformed response
Feb 13 13:12:13 foeni postfix/qmgr[3347]: warning: transport kolabfilter 
failure -- see a previous warning/fatal/panic logfile record for the problem 
Feb 13 13:12:13 foeni postfix/master[3326]: warning: 
process /usr/lib/postfix/pipe pid 4476 exit status 1
Feb 13 13:12:13 foeni postfix/master[3326]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/pipe: 
bad command startup -- throttling
Feb 13 13:12:13 foeni postfix/qmgr[3347]: 93169780B7: 
to=<mrebsamen at tux-racers.locl>, relay=none, delay=20, delays=19/1.2/0/0, 
dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (unknown mail transport error)
Feb 13 13:12:14 foeni postfix/smtpd[4473]: disconnect from 


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