kolab 2.2 beta3 horde and PGP

Stéphane Konstantaropoulos skonstant at sgul.ac.uk
Mon Dec 17 17:21:56 CET 2007


I have a test setup of kolab 2.2 beta3 and I noticed that there's an issue 
with PGP and S/MIME in horde, it does not let me import keys or certificates 
saying that the server does not allow for file upload.

Why is that? The VFS is enabled to /tmp and it should not matter anyway as all 
the keys are stored in the ldap imprefs attribute.

It works with an external (non-kolab distributed) horde 2.2rc1 setup I have, 
with the same configuration. Is it something in the kolab php configuration?

Stéphane Konstantaropoulos -- Web Developer
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