Strategies to implement kolab

Luca Fornasari luca at
Tue Dec 11 01:36:41 CET 2007


I'd like to set up a kolab server for a small office on a Debian 4.0 
(etch) machine.
I'm new to kolab but have some experience with all the basic components 
of it (Openldap, Postfix etc etc)
After a few days play around with Kolab I'm here to ask suggestions.

1) which kolab version? I had success installing kolab 2.1.0 from 
sources but I noted there are binaries version 2.2 in the development 
trees for Debian 4.0 (etch) and someone on the mailing list is in the 
process to upgrade. Are that stable for a production site?

2) Since I love Debian and this server also must run samba I'd like to 
have kolab running from /kolab and at the same time the rest of the 
distribution running as usual. Sounds doable binding the correct daemons 
to the right IP addresses. I guess the right way to do this is to edit 
templates files in /kolab/etc/kolab/templates to bind the daemons to the 
correct ip addresses. Am I correct?

Best Regards,

Luca Fornasari

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