Check mail on different spamassassin server

Alain Spineux aspineux at
Mon Dec 3 14:25:47 CET 2007

On Dec 3, 2007 12:36 PM, Alessio Cecchi <alessio at> wrote:
> Hello all,
> for me one of the limit of the currest stable version of kolab is the "old"
> version of spamassassin.
> With this version I can not stop much spam. Upgrading spamassassin server is
> too difficult, so my idea is to install a more recent version of spamassassin
> in a different server and modify kolab/amavisd for check e-mail.
> Is compatible with kolab this option? What is the daemon that i should change?

It should be easyier to transfer  all the amavis stuff instead of just
Amavis "plugs in" in postfix as a mail filter. It is the interface
between postfix and both spamassasin and clamav.
Postfix and amavis are speaking SMTP, their are then good candidate to
spread on multiple servers.
Amavis use spamassasin's perl library more difficult to separate.
Or you can disable spam checking in amavis and spam checking into postfix.

If you move amavis, you must change "" ,
the "10025" entry to send mail to your new filter (replace []:10024 )
and the  "10026" entry to enable it to send them back (add it's ip
address to "mynetworks")


> Thanks
> --
> Alessio Cecchi is:
> @ ILS ->
> Assistenza Sistemi GNU/Linux ->
> @ PLUG -> Presidente,
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Alain Spineux
aspineux gmail com
May the sources be with you

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