[Kolab-devel] CLOSE crash the imap server, NEED HELP

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at pardus.de
Fri Aug 31 14:02:18 CEST 2007

"Alain Spineux" <aspineux at gmail.com> writes:

> Hello
> can someone confirm he has (or not) this problem ?
> this must be tested on kolab 2.2 running cyrus 2.3.8 or 2.3.9
> Can you run this script and look if you get the same error :
> dont forget to configure the setting of one of your mailbox
> imap_server='localhost'
> #imap_server='fc6-eg.asxnet.loc'
> imap_port=143
> imap_login='manager'
> imap_password='vishnou'
> mailbox='user/catchall.teta.loc/donald.duck at teta.loc '
> #mailbox=' user/catchall.alpha.loc/toto at alpha.loc'
> imap_con=imaplib.IMAP4(imap_server, imap_port)
> typ, dat=imap_con.login(imap_login, imap_password)
> typ, dat=imap_con.setacl(mailbox, imap_login, 'lrd')
> print '%s, %s=SETACL %s' % (typ, dat, mailbox)
> typ, dat=imap_con.select(mailbox)
> print '%s, %s=SELECT %s' % (typ, dat, mailbox)
> #typ, dat=imap_con.uid('search', None, 'ALL')
> #print '%s, %s=UID SEARCH %s' % (typ, dat, mailbox)
> typ, dat=imap_con.close()
> print '%s, %s=CLOSE %s' % (typ, dat, mailbox)
> typ, dat=imap_con.logout()
> print '%s, %s=LOGOUT %s' % (typ, dat, mailbox)
> and its output
> OK, ['Completed']=SETACL user/catchall.teta.loc/donald.duck at teta.loc
> OK, ['1']=SELECT user/catchall.teta.loc/donald.duck at teta.loc
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "cyrus_bug.py", line 21, in <module>
>     typ, dat=imap_con.close()
>   File "/kolab/lib/python/imaplib.py", line 376, in close
>     typ, dat = self._simple_command('CLOSE')
>   File "/kolab/lib/python/imaplib.py", line 1055, in _simple_command
>     return self._command_complete(name, self._command(name, *args))
>   File "/kolab/lib/python/imaplib.py", line 887, in _command_complete
>     raise self.abort('command: %s => %s' % (name, val))
> imaplib.abort: command: CLOSE => socket error: EOF

Hi Alain, 

sorry for the delay on this but I had to get the Kolab CVS system
buildable again.

The output from the small python script looks similar in my

Python 2.4.4 (#1, May 14 2007, 22:52:34) 
[GCC 3.4.6 (Gentoo 3.4.6-r2, ssp-3.4.6-1.0, pie-8.7.10)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import imaplib
>>> imap_server='localhost'
>>> imap_port=143
>>> imap_login='manager'
>>> imap_password='7AqFWVuMdeTHmNX'
>>> mailbox='user/wrobel/Sent at mydomain.de'
>>> imap_con=imaplib.IMAP4(imap_server, imap_port)
>>> typ, dat=imap_con.login(imap_login, imap_password)
>>> typ, dat=imap_con.setacl(mailbox, imap_login, 'lrd')
>>> print '%s, %s=SETACL %s' % (typ, dat, mailbox)
OK, ['Completed']=SETACL user/wrobel/Sent at mydomain.de
>>> typ, dat=imap_con.select(mailbox)
>>> print '%s, %s=SELECT %s' % (typ, dat, mailbox)
OK, ['0']=SELECT user/wrobel/Sent at mydomain.de
>>> typ, dat=imap_con.close()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/imaplib.py", line 365, in close
    typ, dat = self._simple_command('CLOSE')
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/imaplib.py", line 1028, in _simple_command
    return self._command_complete(name, self._command(name, *args))
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/imaplib.py", line 860, in _command_complete
    raise self.abort('command: %s => %s' % (name, val))
imaplib.abort: command: CLOSE => socket error: EOF
>>> print '%s, %s=CLOSE %s' % (typ, dat, mailbox)
OK, ['0']=CLOSE user/wrobel/Sent at mydomain.de
>>> typ, dat=imap_con.logout()
>>> print '%s, %s=LOGOUT %s' % (typ, dat, mailbox)
NO, ['imaplib.abort: command: LOGOUT => socket error: EOF']=LOGOUT user/wrobel/Sent at mydomain.de

This does not kill my imap server though. Here is a section from the
log file:

Aug 31 13:57:24 demo2 <debug> imap[20111]: executed
Aug 31 13:57:24 demo2 <debug> imap[20111]: accepted connection
Aug 31 13:57:24 demo2 <notice> imap[20111]: login: mydomain.de [] manager plaintext User logged in
Aug 31 13:57:24 demo2 <debug> imap[20111]: myfetch: starting txn 2147483708
Aug 31 13:57:24 demo2 <debug> imap[20111]: abort_txn: aborting txn 2147483708
Aug 31 13:57:24 demo2 <debug> imap[20111]: myfetch: starting txn 2147483709
Aug 31 13:57:24 demo2 <debug> imap[20111]: mystore: reusing txn 2147483709
Aug 31 13:57:24 demo2 <debug> imap[20111]: mycommit: committing txn 2147483709
Aug 31 13:57:24 demo2 <debug> imap[20111]: open: user manager opened user/wrobel/Sent at mydomain.de

Hope that helps.



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p at rdus Kolab work is funded in part by KDAB and the Kolab Konsortium

____ http://www.pardus.de _________________ http://gunnarwrobel.de _
E-mail : p at rdus.de                                 Dr. Gunnar Wrobel
Tel.   : +49 40 432 72335                           Bundesstrasse 29
Fax    : +49 40 432 70855                            D-20146 Hamburg
   >> Mail at ease - Rent a kolab groupware server at p at rdus <<                 

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