Admin Access To Users Sieve

Richard Bos ml at
Thu Aug 23 20:49:36 CEST 2007

Op Thursday 23 August 2007 01:39:55 schreef Andrew J. Kopciuch:
> I have not had time to look through the PHP code, but this should not be
> overly difficult to manipulate seeing as how the the working code is there
> for a user.   I am thinking it should be easy enough to create a new page
> from the vacaion.php, and passthe dn to it for which user you want to
> manipulate (or forward.php etc.).
> I will have a look when I can.

It might be a good idea to open an issue for this in kolab's feature and bug 
tracker at
This it won't be forgotten, and when someone else adds the functionality 
you'll be notified :)

Richard Bos
Without a home the journey is endless

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