kolab + toltec + outlook + shared inboxes

Mark Wassermann mwassermann at mw-net.com
Tue Aug 21 19:16:36 CEST 2007

Hi List

We are using kolab 2.1 server with outlook (via toltec connector) as
client.  All works fine except some tricky little thing related to
getting mail in a smooth way.

I already found out, that Toltec connector maps the outlook folders
under the users INBOX in cyrus imap server  and uses  pop3 to get mail
from the users INBOX on the cyrus imap server to the mapped INBOX of
outlook that is stored under INBOX/INBOX in the cyrus imap server.

I do not know if this is a good way to do this, but it seams that it is
a workaround to some behaviours of outlook anyway.

The only thing is that some of the users share their Inboxes with their
assistants. And here is the problem – as long as the user is logged in
and outlook pops the mail from INBOX folder to the INBOX/INBOX folder
all works fine and all can read new mails, but if the user is working on
a laptop and have to leave office – new mails will be not available for
the other users.

So here at last is my question: Is there a  small tool (like fetchmail)
that I can use to pop mail from one to the other folder or simply to
automatically move the new mails from one imap folder to another.

thx mark

 Mark Wassermann            @: mwassermann at mw-net.com

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