2.2-beta1; Horde client install?

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at pardus.de
Tue Aug 21 14:13:18 CEST 2007

Alan Murrell <lists at murrell.ca> writes:

> Is it possible to install the Horde web client from the 2.2-beta1 sources?  I 
> just installed 2.2-beta1 (*long* time to compile, but that could be due to it 
> being done in VMware...).  Horde of course did not install on it's own, 
> though there are "horde-framework" and "horde-fbview" packages that compile 
> and installed.
> I thought I had read in a relatively recent post that it was possible to do it 
> by:
>   install-kolab.sh horde
> but it gives an error saying it couldn't change into that directory (which is 
> fair enough, as that directory does not exist)
> Do I need to download the horde sources for 2.2-beta1 from somewhere else, or 
> will they not become available until 2.2 is final?

It is possible to install Horde on a 2.2-beta1 server. p at rdus did
provide experimental packages for the 2.1 server but this was an early
testing release.

There'll be no such packages for the 2.2-beta1 because official
Horde-add-on packages will hopefully be part of beta2. Making another
set of unstable packages available would probably further complicate
the upgrade path. I currently hope that there'll also be a clean and
tested upgrade path from beta2 onwards.

The second beta should not be too far away :)



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