SOLVED (or work arround) Re: distribution lists - service unavailable. Command output: Delivery to some recipients failed, code 550

Liutauras Adomaitis liutauras at
Thu Aug 2 20:02:29 CEST 2007

I think I solved this issue.
I use Mandriva 2007.1 Spring and Kolab installed from rpms from this release 
of Mandriva. Using postmap -q dl at -v 
ldap:/etc/postfix/ command I found that postfix is getting dl 
email and all the member emails from ldap. has a lot of info about ldapmaping.
What I did is change file:
- result_attribute = mail
+ result_attribute = uid
This will work if ldap has emails in uid attribute for members of DL is 
referring. I found one member having only %u part of email, changed it to 
email, since everybody else had emails in mail and uid attributes. Everything 
worked - sending email to DL doesn't bounce and all the members get emails 
(atleast internal members). I even could comment 
kolabmailboxfilter_destination_recipient_limit = 1
(see my previous posts).

Mandriva ships with postfix 2.3.8. I found out, that postfix 2.4 has 
parameters for ldap mapping. They are not defined in my Kolab from Mandriva. 
These parameters can solve this issue more gently, since with them you can 
restrict postfix to use result_attribute value only from recursive ldap 
search (as I understood it). I didn't test it because I need newer postfix 
for that. Somebody could tell if it is true.

Maybe somebody can comment something about it. Is it Mandriva kolab problem or 
is it problem in general?


Technikos Direktorius
UAB Infosaitas

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