kolab_bootstrap: /kolab/bin/perl: bad interpreter: no such file or directory

Richard Bos ml at radoeka.nl
Sun Apr 22 21:43:16 CEST 2007

Op Sunday 22 April 2007 20:46:35 schreef Morten Christensen:
> I have a debian etch DomU freshly created in Xen 3.0.3. I try to install
>  kolab 2,1 rc2 in this xen virtual domain.
> "obmtool kolab" runs but when I come to kolab_bootstrap it stops in the
> beginning with the message:
> /kolab/bin/perl: bad interpreter: no such file or directory

Does this file exists? Run:
ls -l /kolab/bin/perl

> What can I do to make the bootstrap run?

Richard Bos
We are borrowing the world of our children,
It is not inherited from our parents.

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