horde + kolab

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at pardus.de
Wed Apr 4 23:17:22 CEST 2007

Hi Rajnish,

>              I have tried a lot to install kolab with horde and
> followed all steps as given in
> "wiki.kolab.org/index.php/Kolab2_Installation_-_Horde" and also with
> related site to kolab+horde but ultimetly i failed to install this.
> But we can successfully login and working with kolab web admin without
> horde but i am not able to login http://domain.com/horde. I have tried
> with Fedora3, Fedora4 and CentOs4.4.
>                             So i am requested to you plz could you
> have done this earlier with any linux flavour of linux with
> kolab+horde plz send me steps. And also advice which linux flavour
> should have used to install kolab+horde.

I am preparing these packages on Gentoo and I did get success reports
from Ubuntu, too. Nevertheless these packages are meant to be useable
on every distribution if somehow possible. I am myself far from an
expert on building RPMs but I am trying to improve :)

So what I did do now was to look at the horde-kolab RPM again and try
to figure out a way that would work on fedora, too. I removed the
offending instructions that prevented you from installing horde-kolab
and try to achieve the same objective (changing file ownership) using
a different mechanism.

I uploaded the modified package to the server. Please try to repeat
the procedure with the updated package now. The new pacakge has
release number three so it is named horde-kolab-20070319-3.src.rpm.

Can you tell me if this package installs without problems? If it does,
could you send me the output you get when you issue

ls -la /kolab/var/kolab/www/horde/config/



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