[KONSEC Konnektor Users] contact and task folders appear as "mail and post" folders

Martin Konold martin.konold at erfrakon.de
Tue Sep 26 19:28:27 CEST 2006

Am Dienstag, 26. September 2006 18:31 schrieb Antoni Aniento Recasens:
> Dear Kolab and Konnektor users,
> I'm trying to konnect outlook of Microsoft Small Business Edition 2003 to

Is Microsoft Small Business Edition 2003 a server or a client?

> Kolab Server, by the way of konsec konnektor 1.1.0203. Unfortunatelly the
> contact and task folders already created appear as "mail and post" folders.
> Any suggestion to overcome that problem?

Does that mean that you are actually migrating from MS SBS to Kolab?

-- martin

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