Shared folders with sub folders

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Tue Sep 5 09:25:03 CEST 2006

On Monday 28 August 2006 08:59, Robert Szentmihalyi wrote:

> while mirgating an Exchange 5.5 server to Kolab, I realized that you
> cannot create a sub folder inside a shared folder unless the permissions
> on that shared folder are manually set to lrswipcd using cyradm.

I think you are refering to global folders,
as opposed to folders which are owned by a user and have set ACLs.

> However, the permissions seem to be automatically reset. So, after some
> time, the MUA tells me again that the permissions are not sufficient to
> create a folder inside the shared folder and I have have to launch cyradm
> again....
> Any hints?

This could possibly done by kolabd. 
A workaround would be to use group accounts and set ACLs on this
and to not use global folders (namespace /shared on the server).

> BTW: Otherwise, the Exchange migration was successful, so if anybody is
> interested, I can elaborate on that.

Ah Hamish already wrote:
Please elaborate in the Wiki!

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