Kolab / Postfix : relay acces denied

S4mdf0o1 dams at domosys.org
Tue Oct 17 09:43:51 CEST 2006

Le mardi 17 octobre 2006 09:20, Thomas Arendsen Hein a écrit :
> * S4mdf0o1 <dams at domosys.org> [20061017 09:13]:
> > Le mardi 17 octobre 2006 09:06, Thomas Arendsen Hein a écrit :
> > > 2.2.12 is the cyrus version, not kolab.
> >
> > on kolab-webadmin :
> > Kolab2 Groupware Server Version: 2.0-unofficial (!?)
> >
> > > I suggest trying the OpenPKG based installation first, this is much
> > > easier to configure.
> >
> > Is the latest version adding the feature I'm searching for ?
> This is just a matter of correct configuration and correct
> authentication of the user trying to send mail. Maybe you need to
> configure your privileged networks.
Well, ok 
I have no authentication (ldap) trouble,
nor network issues,
because of my internal DNS,
correctly working LDAP,
correct synchronisation between calendars, 
> All this depends on what you try to do (more details needed) and
> that Kolab server is installed correctly.
I just have an "relay acces denied -554-" error when trying to send from 
internal address to external one, with the smtp transport of my kolab/postfix 
installation -whatever postfix (main.cf) configuration I change- 
(or I hadn't found the correct option to change !?)
(with local customized DNS for domain MX right redirection)

I'm not certain of a kolab issue, but of a postfix one (!?)
Am I right ?
Or has the Kolab server it's own security (internal/external) features ?
Or finally, is the kolab server self-configuring postfix ?
> Thomas


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