problems getting kolab-server-2 to work

Kim Højgaard-Hansen kim at
Mon Oct 16 20:50:19 CEST 2006


I've been trying to set up an Kolab-server version 2, but I'm having 

First I tried to install the latest beta-release on FreeBSD-6.0, and it 
seemed to work, but when new users where created, the client informed me 
that there was no inbox for the users...

So, thinking I should not post problems about the beta version, I tried 
installing the newest stable version. Again everything seems to work, 
but nothing listens on port 25. I get no error on startup or in postfix 
log files ... maybe I doesn't look in the right place? 
(/kolab/var/postfix/log/postfix.log just say that it started ok)

so, now I'm trying it on Gentoo instead, but right now I can't even 
login to the web-interface although an nmap shows me that everything is 
running... i'll try to install an local browser to see if it should be 
some kind of firewall issue

So, if anyone could help me with:

what version do you recommend to install ?

(if newest version 2 release) how do I debug on the missing port 25 
service ?



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