does the munge8bit config option work in new kolab releases?

Uwe Greßhake u.gresshake at
Wed Oct 11 19:32:31 CEST 2006

in old kolab2 beta server releases , I never had any problems with 
wrongly coded subject lines, when I set reject8bit and munge8bit options 
in the imap.conf file both to "no".
Wrongly coded letters passed through unchanged and my email client 
displayed most of the HAM emails correctly. Thats just what I wanted and 

Now, I am using kolab 2.0.3 release and all wrongly coded subject 
letters get 'X'-ed by cyrus.
It does not matter, if I set the 'munge8bit' option to 'yes' or 'no'. 
For me it seems, that this option has no effect in this kolab release. 
Is that right?
I read somewhere, that cyrus has to be patched for this option to work. 
Does it mean, that newer kolab releases do not include this patch any 

It is not my intention to discuss the pro and cons of this option in 
this thread, but to have this would be nice.

I just would like to know, if I can use this option again in newer 
releases. If not, could somebody please tell me, where to download this 
patch, and give me a brief step by step instruction on how to to rebuild 
the patched imapd rpm package.

Thank You in advance


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