Announcing kubuntu wiki/help documentation for Kolab

Divan Santana Divan.Santana at
Fri Nov 24 12:06:08 CET 2006

Hi All,

Maybe this is not the place to post this, but for some it might be kewl.

Check out

Documentation for kubuntu/ubuntu specific.

I will contribute to the as well. I am mainly doing this wiki 
to try promote and get a big community(like this awesome ubuntu community) to 
start using it so ALL can benefit.

It is not yet nearly complete, am just very busy but will try work on it a lot 
this weekend. Will announce it at Ubuntu so they start using Kolab! :)

Adios ;)
Divan Santana

Skype:          	DivanSantana
Gtalk/MSN:		Divan.Santana at

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