Problem with fetchmail and IMAP

Marcel Meissel marcel at
Wed May 31 09:44:51 CEST 2006


I've been using Kolab for months now without problems. I use fetchmail 
to get the mail via IMAP from GMX to my kolab server.

Since Monday no mails will be fetched from there. Other POP3-Accounts 
work. The number of read/unread mails is regognized. This is the output 
of fetchmail:

"2 messages for 2228xxxx at (folder marcel).
fetchmail: timeout after 300 seconds waiting for server
fetchmail: socket error while fetching from
fetchmail: Query status=2 (SOCKET)
2 messages for 2228xxxx at"

- It works with Thunderbird on a Windows-PC
- The GMX-support says Inbox too full. I deleted all Mails, sent 2 new 
ones and I have the same problem again
- /var/log/mail  etc. show no errors

Could it be Kolab related?

Thanks for any help :-(


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