Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get() in /kolab/var/kolab/www/horde/config/prefs.php on line 111

Andrew J. Kopciuch akopciuch at bddf.ca
Tue May 23 13:41:54 CEST 2006

On Tuesday 23 May 2006 03:31, Jan Schneider wrote:
> Zitat von "Andrew J. Kopciuch" <akopciuch at bddf.ca>:
> > 3.  Install the stable versions of horde and not the CVS version (you do
> > not run install-packages.php).  You would need to change the include path
> > to have the horde/lib directory though.
> Not necessary in this case, because the release version already sets
> the correct include_path.
> Jan.

yes ...

Now that I think back to installing the stable version, I remember I had 
previously installed the CVS version, and had to alter the include_path var 
so as to use the includes from the stable version, and not those installed 
from install-packages.php.

I seem to remember I had a problem even after I removed the CVS versions that 
I needed to leave that in there.  I removed it again just now, and we'll see 
what happens ... It works fine for me, but my mailbox might get filled up 
with complaints in a couple of hours  :S

thanks for clarification,


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