Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get() in /kolab/var/kolab/www/horde/config/prefs.php on line 111

Andrew J. Kopciuch akopciuch at bddf.ca
Tue May 23 00:18:12 CEST 2006

> i see at http://wiki.kolab.org/index.php/Sarge that there's an issue
> getting apache up and running. i'll have a look at that and (assuming
> i figure it out) i'll post my results there as well as here.
> assuming there's nothing ELSE in the way. :)

Do a locate Registry.php

It will show you where that file is.

I'll bet that the install-packages.php was run with the system php.ini (not 
forcing the kolab php binary on the command line) and installed the Horde 
PEAR packages outside of the /kolab root.

It's probably in /usr/share/php, or /usr/share/pear or a similar place, which 
is not in your include_path with the kolab PHP installation.

You can :

1.  add that directory to your kolab php.ini ... you may have permission 
problems, and will need to chown all of the installed files to be readable by 

2.  re-install Horde and when running install-packages.php force the kolab PHP 
to run.   ie.

/kolab/bin/php ./install-packages.php

3.  Install the stable versions of horde and not the CVS version (you do not 
run install-packages.php).  You would need to change the include path to have 
the horde/lib directory though.


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