Slapd uses 95% of cpu power after fresh kolab 2.0.3 installation

Truppe Steven steven.truppe at
Sun May 21 20:19:01 CEST 2006


i've installed the latest kolab 2.0.3 from sources on my fedora core 3. 
Compiling shows no
error messages, but when i try to run kolab_bootstrab -b the slapd 
process uses 95% of my cpu
power.  I've set the debug output to -1 so i get all debug messages. But 
i don't realy get an error
message that helps me..

this is the last line from the openldap.log file:

May 21 19:36:50 byteshelter <debug> slapd[15283]: backend_startup: 
starting "dc=byteshelter"
May 21 19:36:50 byteshelter <debug> slapd[15283]: bdb_db_open: 
May 21 19:36:50 byteshelter <debug> slapd[15283]: bdb_db_open: 

The dbenv_open(..) is the last command slapd executes (or not?) before 
the kolab_bootstrab script hangs.
(I think so).

With the debuglevel set to 4 i get only this:

       kolab at byteshelter:/kolab/RPM/TMP/openldap-2.2.27/servers/slapd
May 21 20:03:36 byteshelter <debug> slapd[18449]: bdb_db_init: 
Initializing BDB database
May 21 20:03:37 byteshelter <debug> slapd[18450]: bdb_db_open: 

Here is the syslog output of the kolab start:

May 21 17:54:16 byteshelter kolabd[8344]: Kolab is starting up
May 21 17:54:17 byteshelter kolabd[8344]: Y Error: Unable to connect to 
local Cyrus admin interface
May 21 18:00:01 byteshelter crond(pam_unix)[8360]: session opened for 
user root by (uid=0)
May 21 18:00:01 byteshelter crond(pam_unix)[8359]: session opened for 
user root by (uid=0)
May 21 18:00:01 byteshelter crond(pam_unix)[8358]: session opened for 
user root by (uid=0)
May 21 18:00:02 byteshelter crond(pam_unix)[8360]: session closed for 
user root
May 21 18:00:05 byteshelter su(pam_unix)[8646]: session opened for user 
kolab-r by (uid=0)
May 21 18:00:05 byteshelter su(pam_unix)[8645]: session opened for user 
kolab-r by (uid=0)
May 21 18:00:05 byteshelter su(pam_unix)[8645]: session closed for user 
May 21 18:00:05 byteshelter su(pam_unix)[8646]: session closed for user 
May 21 18:00:05 byteshelter crond(pam_unix)[8359]: session closed for 
user root
May 21 18:00:05 byteshelter crond(pam_unix)[8358]: session closed for 
user root
May 21 18:00:06 byteshelter C Error: Unable to connect to LDAP server 
May 21 18:00:06 byteshelter C Warning: Unable to read configuration data 
from LDAP

Am i looking at the wrong log file ?  Or what is wrong with the BDB 
database ?
I've searched the user mailling list archive for "slapd hangs" but none 
of these posts
have something to do with my problem :( .

I hope someone here can help me to find the source of the problem.

   with best regards,
   Truppe Steven

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