Kolab installation [2.0.3] - Webinterface not available

Thomas Arendsen Hein thomas at intevation.de
Wed May 10 14:02:15 CEST 2006

* SST Berlin <mail at soost-berlin.de> [20060508 13:55]:
> After installing KOLAB Server 2.0.3 [LINUX, Suse 9.2], I can't access the
> Webinterface.
> - Compilation runs with NO missings or errors
> - "kolab_bootstrap -d" runs succesfull

I hope you used "-b".

> - (KOLAB-) Apache is running, listen on port 80 (but NOT on port 443)
> - System seems to be up, connetions are possible on all KOLAB ports
> An older version of KOLAB runs perfect before on same machine and
> environment...

Maybe the SSL certificate wasn't generated properly, you can do this
again with /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab_sslcert.sh

Otherwise looking in the Apache logs (/kolab/var/apache/log) might
give you some hints.


Email: thomas at intevation.de

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