kolabd package available in Debian sid

Richard Bos radoeka at xs4all.nl
Mon May 8 20:46:31 CEST 2006

Op maandag 8 mei 2006 19:20, schreef Fabio Pietrosanti:
> >       b) Horde needs higher privileges. This is in contrast
> >          to the Kolab-Webinterface that only works with the
> >            priviledges of one user. If true, this would hurt the
> > security. Note that database application are often designed this way,
> > Kolab can do differently which is a plus.

What is actually meant with "higher privleges"? Do you mean 'root'?  Is this 
remark for the openpkg 'kolab' or also for other distributions?

> Also this approach could be changed easily with few days work by using
> the horde framework to adapt certain functionalities of Kolab driver of
> various horde applications.
> > This means design incompatibilities that say nothing about how good
> > Horde is when used standalone.
> >  
> By using the previously described fix horde is "the" candidate for a
> webclient interface, obviously imho.
> A single google summer of code initiative would make horde a serious and
> stable web client for Kolab imho.

Being sceptical here; I don't expect a google soc for kolab, at least not this 
year....  So, it will take at least another year before this will be 
implemented...  Or are there any other options??  
Anyway is it possible to improve point B before A (are they independent)?

It would be nice if Bernhard could come up with more detailed information, 
even if it is difficult to collect.  It might be vert valuable information!

Is there a need to archive this information at another place and perhaps 
better readable?  The emaillist archive is nice, but it might not be the best 

Richard Bos
Without a home the journey is endless

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