Errors with Horde (kronolyth and turba)

Ger Apeldoorn g.apeldoorn at
Wed Mar 15 14:58:16 CET 2006


Op woensdag 15 maart 2006 14:55, schreef vovan at

> I don't know if there's a bug about it. As a quick solution I've
> modified logon page and include javascript for checking, so if
> somebody's using uid it will add "" at the end. If you'll
> like I can provide it.

Yes please, that would be great!

> I can suggest: 1) cleanup Postgre/MySQL database, because there's more
> then one records for the same person. 2) if it doesn't help, check
> annotation on for Contacts IMAP forder.

I'll try it and let you know if it worked...


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