Kolab2 sieve scripts are not working and no logs available

ComCept Net GmbH Soliva soliva at comcept.ch
Fri Jun 16 02:05:57 CEST 2006

Hello everybody

I tried to install a sieve script by myself but it seems for some reason it
does not work. As a pitty also within the log there is no message. To
install the scripts I did following:

Goal would be that all mails which have destination spamalert at domain.ch
would be filtered depending Subjet SPAM FROM and if match forward the mail
to mailbox of user-1. In this mailbox ther is a secon script which filters
also the Subjet an if match move the mail to folder SPAM MESSAGES!

First I created the directory structur for the sieve depending user
spamalert at domain.ch:

	# opa /kolab
	# /kolab/bin/sieveshell -u spamalert at domain.ch -a
spamalert at domain.ch localhost 
	connecting to localhost
	Please enter your password:
	> quit

Now I created the sieve scritp for user spamalert at domain.ch that all
messages would be filtered and if Subject is SPAM FROM forward the message
to the mailbox of user-1:

	# vi

	---------------  --------------- 

	require "fileinto";
	if header :contains "Subject" "SPAM FROM *" {
	redirect "user-1 at domain.ch";
	---------------  --------------- 

	# chown kolab-r:kolab-r
	# chmod 700

Next I created the sieve directory structure for user-1:

	# opa /kolab
	# /kolab/bin/sieveshell -u user-1 at domain.ch -a user-1 at domain.ch
	connecting to localhost
	Please enter your password:
	> quit

Next I created the second sript for the user-1 which receives all mails from
spamalert which matches the filter if within the Subject SPAM FROM is shown:

	# vi

	---------------  --------------- 

	require "fileinto";
	if header :contains "Subject" "SPAM FROM *" {
	fileinto "SPAM\ MESSAGES";
	---------------  --------------- 

	# chown kolab-r:kolab-r
	# chmod 700

Now I activated both sieve scripts:

	# opa /kolab
	# cd /kolab/var/imapd/sieve/domain/d/domain.ch/s/spamalert/  
	# /kolab/bin/sieveshell -u spamalert at domain.ch -a
spamalert at domain.ch localhost  
	connecting to localhost
	Please enter your password:
	> put SPAM-FORM-forward-sieve-script.txt
	> activate SPAM-FORM-forward-sieve-script.txt
	> list 
	> SPAM-FORM-forward-sieve-script.txt  <- active script
	> quit 

	# opa /kolab
	# cd /kolab/var/imapd/sieve/domain/d/domain.ch/u/user-1/  
	# /kolab/bin/sieveshell -u user-1 at domain.ch -a user-1 at domain.ch
	connecting to localhost
	Please enter your password:
	put SPAM-FORM-move-to-sieve-script.txt
	activate SPAM-FORM-move-to-sieve-script.txt
	SPAM-FORM-move-to-sieve-script.txt  <- active script


Why this is not working? From my point of view it should work! Why I do not
see anything in /kolab/var/imapd/log/sieve.log?
I do not understand what is missing and why nothing is to be logged!? Can
anybody point me into the right direction!?

Many thanks for any help....!


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