Can't contact LDAP server - SOLVED
vincent at
vincent at
Thu Jun 8 18:00:53 CEST 2006
This one solved off list.
> See for command
> reference. They also provide a link for more information.
It seems that following a hard crash, pending transactions can prevent the
openldap db from opening up again until db_recover is run.
Shell log:
vmptarmigan:/ # /kolab/bin/openpkg rc all stop
OpenPKG: stop: spamassassin, amavisd, apache, clamav, imapd, postfix,
OpenPKG: stop: kolabd, sasl, openldap, fetchmail.
vmptarmigan:/ # /kolab/bin/db_recover -v /kolab/var/openldap/openldap-data
usage: db_recover [-ceVv] [-h home] [-P password] [-t [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS]]
vmptarmigan:/ # /kolab/bin/db_recover -v -h
db_recover: Program version 4.3 doesn't match environment version
Finding last valid log LSN: file: 1 offset 448072
Recovery starting from [1][447454]
Recovery complete at Thu Jun 8 16:49:36 2006
Maximum transaction ID 80000009 Recovery checkpoint [1][448594]
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