Tool for converting Kolab XML (toltec) to iCal .ics form?
Helge Borgmann
borgmann at
Wed Jun 7 12:40:15 CEST 2006
> Can any one please point me to a tool, script, or program, either
> within the Kolab source, or elsewhere on the net, which can take
> as input a Toltec-generated, Kolab XML file, and produce an iCal
> (RFC 2445) format file as output?
Yes and no. ;-) I've written a perlscript some time ago which reads all
calendar- (and/or task-) data via IMAP/SSL from a Kolab-Server and
writes them into a single *.ics-file (you have to split this manually
into single iCal-files). It's beta, but we're using it successfully in
my company for a while (oh, and it is GPL).
You'll find it here:
or respectively:
You need the script named '' out of this tarball; the
documentation is german only (sorry, not time, no time ...) an you'll
have to install following perl-modules:
* Mail::IMAPClient
* IO::Socket::SSL
* XML::Parser
Syntax is basically (for reading your standard-calendar):
perl -server yourServerHostnameOrIP -port 993 -user
yourUsername -pass "yourPassInDoubleQuotes" -eventfolder
"INBOX/Calendar" -taskfolder "off" -file yourOutputfile.ics
If you can read the calendar-data directly out of the IMAP-server, this
should do the job.
Helge Borgmann
... Helge Borgmann .........................
... Jesse.DV ...............................
... Nöldnerstr. 1 ..........................
... 10317 Berlin ...........................
... tel ............ +49 30 55490041 .......
... fax ............ +49 30 55490043 .......
... email .......... borgmann at .....
... www ............ ...
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