[OT?] Easy-to-use archiving mail in kontact?

T. Ribbrock admin_slox-e at itsef.com
Mon Jul 10 15:45:03 CEST 2006

Hi all,

this is maybe more kontact specific than Kolab, but seeing that many
participants on this list use kontact in a corporate environment, maybe
someone has a suitable suggestion...

The problem: We want to give our users the possibility to archive their
mails to a CD-ROM, so they can clean up their IMAP accounts from time to
time, thus saving space on the server. Given that our work is mostly
project-based, this can e.g. be done on a per-project basis.

Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be an easy option to do so in kontact
- e.g. you cannot simply drag'n'drop a mailfolder into k3b to burn it on a
CD-ROM. Hence, my question: Has anybody out there solved this problem and
devised a method for users to easily get their mails archived on a CD
(and preferably also a way to easily read them back)? If so, I'd be much
obliged if you had some tips for me. :-)



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