prerequisites for private calendar items being private

Holger Leskien holger at
Tue Jan 24 19:30:25 CET 2006

Hi Bernhard,

On Tue, Jan 24, 2006 at 05:33:44PM +0100, Bernhard Reiter wrote:

> > I had the impression that private items should be private in the above
> > installation. What is going wrong? What may I have overlooked? What
> > prerequisites should be met that it works correctly?

> Currently with Kolab, the access permissions can only set per folders,
> and the attributes on a special appoinment can be used as an indicator
> for the sensitivity, but will not restrict access.

Yes, I understand that this is just a label. But if I remember correctly
Outlook should evaluate this label and prohibit access. Is this true?
It's obvious that this behaviour is just security by obscurity, but in
my case better than nothing.

> If you want a privat calendar, you need to create a new one and give it the 
> right permissions. This will lead to a problem when you want to have a 
> reminder on this appointment. One workaround is to make a second appointment
> with less information in the main folders.

I already suggested this to my clients, but they were not enthusiastic
about managing two calendars.

> A real solution could be, if we can convince the connector producers
> to change the handling of the "other" folders in
> one or the other ways, e.g. make Reminders fire in other folders
> or indroduce "hidden" folders holding part of the data.

I think, if possible, the best solution is to repair this broken
protocol and make the server enforcing accessment rights.



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